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Social media new bells and whistles


Twitter_logo_blue[1]I heard again that collecting buyer/prospect/fan contact information is vital to building up ones art business — don’t just rely on FaceBook as I have been doing.  So I did a little research, tinkered around a little, and have made the next strides in social interaction.

I am now on Twitter at @JoelAndersonArt

I have set up MailChimp to build an email distribution list of those interested in my upcoming exhibitions.  Events I create in MailChimp will automatically post to my Facebook and Twitter accounts.

I set up Chimpadeedoo on my android tablet to take to art fairs and have people easily add their names to the list.

Here on this website I’ve added my email list sign up and Twitter contact information on the right widget.  And I should see any blog posting feed into FaceBook and Twitter.  So let me hit the ‘Publish’ button and see if all this really works!